Saturday, November 21, 2009

El niño

Dicen que será año de "el niño" y es cierto. Se lo presento. Aquí se encuentran algunas de las fotos más recientes. Ruth le llama "Fiesta" porque es una fiesta continua aunque recientemente ha estado un poco triste por el asunto de las cuatro inyecciones que le pusieron. Tuvo dos días y noches sufriendo pero ya parece que esté mejor. Ya pesa 18 libras y cinco onzas. Mide 28 pulgadas de largo y es bien cabezón y dientón como pueden ver.

Answer to today's puzzle:
They say that it will be an "el niño" year and it's true. Let me present him. Here you will find the most recent photos. Ruth calls him "Fiesta" because he is a continual party although recently he's been a bit down because of the four shots he got. He had two days and nights of suffering, but now it seems he is better. He weighs 18 pounds, 5 ounces and is 28 inches long. He's got a big head and lots of teeth as you can see.


  1. Not sure what the post says but I love the pictures. He is so cute!!

  2. I don't think he has a big head at all...
    Just realized the post was in English at the bottom.. Only took me a couple of days, right?
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I added the English later because my sister was trying to use an automatic online translator and was getting that Elliott was bullheaded, not that he had a big head. He was 25th percentile for weight, 55th for height, and 95th for head size at his 8 months check up, so he does have a big head; it seemed he even had a hard time lifting it for a while.

    Happy Thanksgiving t' y'all as well...using the Texas vernacular.
