The streets of Boulder are jammed with traffic with so many people in town to run the Bolder Boulder. Everywhere you turn there are also people jogging (I'm using the term accurately here because they mostly seem to be keeping loose.
Keeping loose has been the nature of my running this week as well with a couple of exceptions. Wednesday, I did a some track speedwork and yesterday I ran 4.5 miles at a minute over my anticipated 10K race pace with a mile downhill at race pace so that without undue exertion my legs recognize the turnover rate that they will need to execute on Monday. My goal is to beat my best BB time of the past 19 years. In 1991 I ran a 48:42 when I was in the 33 year old age group.
As accurately as I can determine, this will be my 20th running of the Bolder Boulder. I ran it for the first time in 1984 and continued for the following 11 years, with the best time being 46 something. I missed several races in the late 90's and a some in the early to mid 00's. My BB times are typically slow because I often don't start running much until May. I have deposited 1450 miles in the running log bank in the past 11 months so I expect some dividends.
Guest Writer - Jeff's 2024 is worth sharing!
1 month ago
With interest!