I'm going to make pancakes as soon as everyone is up but in the meantime I will post an update on the running for the week.
I've started to work in a little speed work on my shorter days so that I am comfortable with running faster for the Bolder Boulder 10K on Memorial Day. I mentioned in a previous blog about a possible race against four of my students who would tag-team against me for 16 laps. That didn't materialize; I've never seen four kids who are always hanging around after school be so scarce.
My longest run this week was yesterday; I ran ten miles while Ruth was shopping at the mall. I worked my way from the heart of consumerism central on wide winding concrete sidewalks. The first two plus miles were uphill with an elevation gain in there of about 250 feet in a one mile section. The climb actually continued at a much more gradual incline as I headed west toward the windmills at the site of the old Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant. The open terrain in that area is eerily open compared to the dense development of the Flatirons Mall and Interlocken Technology Environment business park.
I ran every day of the week for a total of 40.3 miles with 19.3 of those miles being in the Vibram FiveFingers. I had planned to increase the mileage in them a little more gradually but my feet are feeling better running in the VFFs than in the Asics although yesterday in the Asics felt pretty good on the concrete and asphalt.
Today will be the ninth day in a row that I run, a perfect May so far. Well, Ruth is up sipping her coffee and Valerie just brought Elliott downstairs so the day has officially begun. Place your orders for Mother's Day buckwheat oatmeal pancakes.
Guest Writer - Jeff's 2024 is worth sharing!
1 month ago
OK, perfect running-wise, but pluralize "Day". Actually, great post, great progress. I predict a pretty impressive BB result.
ReplyDeleteTitle fixed.
ReplyDeleteMake it nine days now; I had two VFF outings for a total of 7 miles today. I can actually go rather fast in them now.
I don't know which runner in me is going to show up for the Bolder Boulder. I hope the two have united by then.