Today is the 37th day since I broke my second metatarsal on a run not long after a 70 mile week. (I was actually thinking that doing a 100 mile week could become a reality). For the last two days now I haven't worn the post op boot that had been providing protection for my foot and allowing it to heel. I do have an orthotic in that shoe that keeps pressure off the forefoot but I have walked around barefoot as well.
It has been difficult to walk normally. I don't know if this is from my walking mechanics being thrown off so much by swinging the boot or if I'm subconsciously favoring it. I don't need to favor it; it doesn't hurt. It still feels odd, as if a bit swollen. The greatest concern I have is that the three middle toes are clawing; when I put pressure on the forefoot the three middle toes pull back toward the foot with the toe joint rising up. I hope this is just a temporary situation as the foot continues to heel and return to its normal function.
I find it odd that I haven't gained any weight; I speculate that I have lost muscle mass in my legs and that some fat is depositing around the middle.
Presumably, I've lost all the conditioning that the foot had from running barefoot. The other one has probably weakened as well. My knees have been hurting on occasion; I suspect it is from walking with an altered gait.
I'm going to suggest an Xray when I see the doctor in a couple of weeks. I hope that some heeling is evident; they say that stress fractures don't show on Xrays until some weeks later after they've had time to start heeling. The sensation of walking with a hackysack underfoot has subsided although there is still excessive thickness in the area. This was there before the break and I had assumed that it was something the feet did in response to running barefoot. It may well have been, but not a normal response. I want to allow the foot to get back to normal, like the other foot, and then begin running barefoot again as well as using a neutral shoe as opposed to a motion control one.
The Leadville 100 is this weekend. I won't be a threat...wouldn't have anyway.
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1 month ago
Sounds like healing is coming along, which is great. Don't worry much about the lost fitness, the muscles have memory and you'll gain it back quick. Case in point, I had a gut after my stress fracture last spring... Two months later I'm arguably in the best running shape in my life, and with six pack abs to boot.
ReplyDeleteI liked "with a six pack abs to boot"! I hope the to boot was a pun intended!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen do you go back to the Dr.s?
Back to the doctor's in a couple of weeks. The rib I fractured in May finally had a chance to heal as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. I am suppose to lead a running class at the alternative high school I teach at so it will be good for me to start where the students are.